A lovely place + clomid

Why is my blog titled “I choose to be in A Lovely Place” 

At first this blog started as a way to document my service learning trip to Kenya. It was such an amazing trip. Along that I also feel in love with blogging. Now many of you may know that I am not the most active blogger. I don’t get offers to try things and share them with people. Heck I don’t even post weekly alll the time. But this has been where I have been able to share thoughts, feelings, and document what is going on in my life. Lately it has been focused on trying to concieve.  However, this is where my life is right now.  

I choose to be in A Lovely Place is my reminder that it is my choice everyday to be happy and push through. Despite how I might want to feel. I make the choice everyday to march forward. Accept where I am and know that everything is going to be Lovely. Everything is going to work out. Everything is in Gods Plan. My Lovely Place is knowing that despite the control that I think I have in situations throughout my life it is truly in Gods Plan and I have to accept and choose to move forward. I choose to be in A Lovely Place. 

This week is National Infertility Awareness Week which is sponsed through resolve.org  

Yesterday (Monday) I started Clomid 50mg. I am not being monitored while on this medication since insurance likes to dictate what a medical conditition is and which ones will be covered.  I am trying clomid for a couple cycles to see if this works for us. I ovulate monthly without a hitch I can predict which day I am going to get my period to about 1-2 days and I am pretty good and guessing when I will ovulating. My hope with the Clomid is to ovulate more than one egg. To give my hubbys sperm more than one opportunity to fertilize an egg. I am hopeful. 

In the meantime, I am getting ready to have a garage sale and we are saving money to pay off some debt and get ready to potientially pay for IVF. 

Happy NIAW to all my fellow infertile bloggers out there! You are not alone. 

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